Hailey's age

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Beach Trip & Aquarium

Well it has been about 2 1/2 weeks since my last post....a little behind schedule. Things in the Mickey household have just been busy busy busy. As I posted earlier, I am training for a 5k, which is in 2 1/2 weeks. I am so excited and very nervous, it's my first one. I have been running about 4 days a week but I definitely couldn't do it with out my running friends. Thanks girls!!!

Hailey has been doing well. She will be 14 months in a couple of days. She is growing like a weed. She seems to be thinning out, so she must be getting taller. She is walking all over the place. She loves to say Mol (Mollie), Mom, ball and Bye. She has started to point at everything that she wants and does the grunt thing. She had a 6 hour stomach bug a week or so ago. I am so glad that it came and went quickly.

Last weekend, we meet a friend of mine from Oswego (the college I went to from 2000-2001), in Carolina beach along with her family. She recently moved to Charlotte NC with her husband and daughter, who is about 6 months older than Hailey. On a whim, she told me they were going to the beach (Myrtle Beach) and would love for us to meet them there. We planned on going to the aquarium in Manteo or Atlantic Beach that day with Hailey but it worked out perfectly. They were willing to meet us at Carolina Beach so that we could take the kids to the aquarium in Fort Fisher. We camped for the night (in a camper) at a "LOVELY" campground in Carolina beach. Who knew that they didn't have any "normal" campgrounds in Carolina Beach. It was great though because I had not seen her in a long time and it was so nice to let our children meet. We can't wait to get together with them again soon.

Below are some pictures from our trip to Carolina beach and the aquarium.
