Hailey's age

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

39 weeks and 4 days

I had my weekly appt this morning. I am still only 1 cm dilated and my cervix is still pretty thick, which means it doesn't look like I am going to have a 2008 baby. No 2008 tax break for us....remember I am an accountant. At this point, I am scheduled to see the doctor next Wednesday, if I have not had her yet. They will then do an ultrasound and schedule an induction. Dr. Bane said that they will not let me go more than 1 week after my due date, which is this Saturday. So we know one thing for sure.....I will have Hailey by next Saturday, January 10th.

Today was my last day of work. I took off on Friday and I start maternity leave on Monday.

Monday, December 29, 2008

5 days until my due date

At this point, we are 5 days away from my due date. I just wanted to post an update...I have had no contractions or anything. I do feel lots of pressure and of course I am not sleeping (it is 4:50 right now and I have been up since 3 am).

Actually, right now I have a terrible cold and sore throat so I am kind of glad that I am not going into labor yet. I can't imagine going into labor feeling like this. Hopefully, I can kick this cold before baby Hailey (Hail-ee) comes.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

9 days and counting

Hello Everyone!

Merry Christmas. Well I had my weekly appt yesterday morning at 8am. The nurse did the normal....weighed me & had me pee in a cup. I always seem to have a little sugar in my urine but yesterday she took my urine to the lab in the office. (Sorry if this is too much information.) She said I had alot of stuff in there....whatever that means. I told her that my parents had just gotten in from New York about 6:30am and brought cookies from the bakery, rainbow cookies, which are my favorite and that I had 3 of them this morning. I guess things weren't bad because they didn't say anymore about it.

So then I went into the room with the other nurse who listened to Hailey's (Hail-ee) heartbeat. It was about 150, which is high for her but normal. Again, the 3 rainbow cookies I had a few hours prior and the small cup of regular coffee I had probably contributed. Dr. Stevenson came in to see me and said that everything looked good. He informed me that they won't check to see how many centimeters that I am because it really doesn't change anything at this point. He informed me that years ago, research showed that the more a patient was checked the more susceptible they were to infections and their water breaking before they were ready.

While I was there, I asked him how long they would let me go past my due date. He told me that if I am 4 or 5 days past my due date that they will start talking about inducing me around day 7. That was good to know that they are not going to let me go 2 weeks past my due date...I can't imagine lasting 23 more days.....Whewwww!!! It's not that I am having a very hard time but I am not sleeping. Right now it is 3:20am and I am wide awake sitting on the couch with the computer in hand and watching Law and Order......as Mollie sleeps on the couch next to me.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pictures of Hailey's (Hail-ee) room

Well I thought since we only have two weeks to go I would posts some pictures of Hailey's room. We only have a few more things to do before it is finished. For those of you who haven't seen me in a while, I am posting one picture of my HUGE belly.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

37 weeks and 5 days

Well today I had my weekly check up, I am 37 weeks and 5 days. They listened to her heart beat and everything looked great. Dr. Avery checked and said that I was maybe 1 cm. At this point, I just hope that I don't go late. For the most part, I am feeling good. I can say that I am not sleeping at all. Paul, Mollie and I start in the bed and once I start to get up every hour or more, Mollie and I go lay on the couch....I think we need a bigger couch.

Her room is finished for the most part, we just have a few more things to hang on the wall. I have taken the pictures of her room, so I will post them to the blog this weekend.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I have been really slack on updating the blog when I go to the doctor lately...partly because I have been tired and busy but mainly because my lap top has been at "the doctor" and I am lazy to go upstairs and use the desktop. I know, I know!!

At this point, I am 37 weeks....3 weeks to go. I had my weekly check up today and the doctor said that she is head down and everything looks good. Thank goodness!!! When the nurse tried to get the heart beat, she would not seem to "sit" still but they finally got it. It was about 140. I have another appt on Thursday, December 18th and then Christmas Eve morning. Let's hope she comes by the end of the month....tax break!!!!!! Remember I am an accountant.

On a side note:
Things should be a little bit easier since tonight I graduated. Yes, no more school. I finally have my Masters, just enough time to welcome our little girl into this world.

Stay tuned.....

North Carolina shower

On November 1st, my closet friends and family members threw me a wonderful shower. The shower was at my sister-in-laws house. There were lots of wonderful people there, even my mom and my sister flew down from New York. The girls did an amazing job with the games and food. Karen hosted the games and she was hilarious. She was like a game show host, I couldn't stop laughing. They really worked hard to ensure that I had a great shower. We received tons and tons of wonderful gifts.

Pictures from the wonderful event will be posted soon!
