Hailey's age

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Catch up - August events

So life has been very busy for the Mickey family. I am going to post today about our August events (sit back its a long one) and then later about our September adventures.

Hailey is no longer in daycare..what a relief. We have been fortunate enough for her to stay with a very good friend of ours. She actually has a little boy that is 1 and now she is also keeping Hailey. It is so much easier going to work knowing that she is in great hands. We love it and count our blessing each day that it continues.
My sister recently got engaged and Hailey and I will be in the wedding. They are getting married in NY on September 30th, 2011. Congrats Jamie and Brian. We are so excited to finally have Brian as a part of our family....and I know he is excited to finally be Uncle Brian. :) Since they got engaged, we have made 1 trip to New York so that we could start wedding and bridesmaid dress shopping. The fun begins.....I am so excited to be a part of their special day and the planning that is involved. Below are some pictures from our trip to NY.

Aunt Jamie and Hailey

Hailey walking with grandma and grandpa
Uncle Brian pushing Hailey in her baby doll stroller

Hailey all wet

So when we were in New York we decided to kidnap Aunt Jamie and bring her back to NC for a few extra days of "sista time". During her visit to NC, we took Hailey to the park for some fun time.

sweet kiss for mommy

During the month of August, our friends The Whitehursts came to visit. They live near the Outerbanks. We love when they have the opportunity to come to Greenville and spend some time with us. They have a little girl that is one month older than Hailey, so we love for the girls to get together. It is so amazing to watch them interact and enjoy spending time with each other. Below are some pictures from their visit.

Hailey had her first haircut. Her hair was going crazy. We had been back and forth when to bring her for her first haircut and finally decided to bite the bullet and bring her. She was really not too sure about it.

Our town has a festival at the end August every year called the Watermelon Festival. This year we walked down with our neighbors and their kids. Hailey has such a blast on the rides with her friend Mckenna.

So my friends and I are still running a 5K race once a month. It is such an amazing feeling and I absolutely love it. Below is a picture of our August race, including all the little ones.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Will update soon....but here is a sneak peak.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


So again, it has been a long time since my last post. I really am going to try to get better....things have just been crazy. I have alot to report so I am going to brief about all of my updates.

I wanted to give an update on the biting incidents we had a daycare. She had been bitten a total of 8 times in 8 weeks and on June 7th 2010 bit 9 happened. I was furious, upset, disappointed, etc. This bite was terrible and I had enough. It is so hard sending Hailey to daycare day to day and sending her knowing she is be bitten and not properly taken care of is 100 times worse. Bit 9 happened on a Monday and I pulled her that day. My friend Amber was so great and agreed to help me out, watching Hailey, over the next two weeks until my sister-in-law kept her for the summer. This summer has been going great, Hailey has had the opportunity to spend alot of quality time with her cousins.

Paul always has vacation the week of July 4th. Back in March, when we ran our 1st 5K, my friend Amber mentioned that registration opened the next day for the Peachtree Road Race, the largest 10K in the world. She asked me if I was interested in doing it. I decided that I was up for the challenge but needed to talk it over with Paul. It was a long drive to run a race and it was our vacation. I mentioned it to Paul and was very supportive (and has been since I started running). We decided that we would make that part of our vacation, since the race was on July 4th. So I registered but to be honest really had not training over the next few months to run a 10K. I had still been running a 5K once a month and run a couple times a week but I really had not run more than 4 miles. I really wasn't sure if I was going to run until the week before. Amber and I were both back and forth but we decided we could do it and would do it together. We had start wave F, I believe the starts waves were A-W. Long story short, we did it. I finished 26, 165 out of 50,913. I finished in 1 hour and 12 minutes.

Amber and I
My loving and supportive daughter and husband

Amber and I

I really want to write more because it was an amazing experience but since I have been really slack on blogging and have alot of catching up to do, I am not going to. With that being said, my fellow runner wrote an amazing post about our race experience. Check it out......http://tittletimes.blogspot.com/
Hailey had her 18 month check up last week and she received a clean bill of health. She was 33 lbs and 35 inches. She is in the 99th percentile for both height and weight. She is growing like a weed. She is learning so many words and is becoming very sassy.

Below are some random pictures:

Monday, July 19, 2010


I will be posting this week including pictures....sorry I have been so slack.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's been 6 1/2 weeks

I know I know...It's been 6 1/2 weeks since I posted. We have been so busy, I just have not made it a priority to blog or download pictures from my camera. You may want to sit down for this. So what have we been doing for the last month and a half. Overall, life has been wonderful.
On April 17th, my friends and I ran our second 5k. It is so exciting to know that I finally achieved a life long goal of becoming a runner. It is kind of crazy that I can say I am now a runner. It feels so good to take time for me. It is a stress releaser and it makes me feel like such a better person. Since the beginning of the year, I have lost almost 20 lbs....I am so excited and plan to keep obtaining more goals. Thanks A and S for helping me achieve such an amazing goal.
We love spending time as a family, most of the time doing nothing but watching Hailey play, learn new things and interact with us. She is learning so many more words that I can't even begin to list. A few new words are No No, please, shoes, and cat. We really could not ask for more.
Paul built her a little play area. She has two swings, a play house, a picnic table and a sand box. She will be able to enjoy it with her friends and cousins.
She love Elmo ( "Mo Mo") right now. We are actually taking her to see Elmo in a few weeks with 2 other families. We are so excited and can't wait to see the look on her face. The show is only 90 minutes long, so hopefully it won't be too difficult to keep her still but I guess we will see.

She went for her 16 month check up at the beginning of May and she is doing great. She is still above the 95% percentile for height and weight. Stay tuned for exact numbers....they are downstairs and I really dont want to get out of bed right now.

The stress right now is that we are having some trouble with daycare. Since April 7th, she has been bit 7 times...yes 7 times. Her class can have 12 children but currently only has 6, which is a wonderful thing most of the time. The problem with having only 6 kids in a class is that if you have 3 biters, the same kids keep getting bit. They have a biting policy, which is "5 severe bites in a month and the child is "kicked out". Well the policy has a flaw, if at week 3 the child has bit 4 times and the parents pull the kid out the last week of the month....the child doesn't have the opportunity to bit 5 times in a month and the bit count starts over the 1st of every month. Frustrating but that it the down fall of daycare. We know that biting happens at this age because they can't communicate very well but it is frustrating. We don't want Hailey bit this much and we don't want her to start biting. So, we are pulling her out for the summer and my sister-in-law is going to watch her. Hopefully the biting that is currently going on will pass, maybe some kids will move to the 2 year old class and other will grow out of the biting phase. We can only hope.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Very very late

I have been very slack about downloading pictures off my camera and posting on the blog. I plan to download and update this week so stay tuned....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

We did it!

My 2 friends and I ran our first 5k yesterday. Training for 10 weeks and going from not be able to run 90 seconds to running 3.11 miles was amazing. We followed the C0uch-to-5k training program that we found online and it WORKED. I ran the 5k in 32:16. I placed 13th out of 40 in my age group (30-39) and 117 our of 197 for the whole 5k. I can't wait to run another one. Running has always been something that I wanted to do, especially running in a race and it felt so amazing to accomplish it. Below is a picture of us when we started training and one from yesterday. Thank you girls for pushing me and helping me achieve my goal. You both are amazing.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Beat Up"

Hailey got "beat up" at school today. She was walking down the stairs to go outside for playtime and one of the other little girls pushed her down the stairs. Her wonderful teacher called me, so that I wouldn't be shocked at her face when I picked her up. She said that she was doing well but would like me to take a look at it (thank goodness I work 2 minutes (literally) from "school"). I ran up to school and her face didn't look so great. I snuggled with her for a bit, fed her lunch, changed her and then went back to work. Overall, she is being a trooper about it. It really looks alot worse than it is but it just breaks your heart when your child gets hurt.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Beach Trip & Aquarium

Well it has been about 2 1/2 weeks since my last post....a little behind schedule. Things in the Mickey household have just been busy busy busy. As I posted earlier, I am training for a 5k, which is in 2 1/2 weeks. I am so excited and very nervous, it's my first one. I have been running about 4 days a week but I definitely couldn't do it with out my running friends. Thanks girls!!!

Hailey has been doing well. She will be 14 months in a couple of days. She is growing like a weed. She seems to be thinning out, so she must be getting taller. She is walking all over the place. She loves to say Mol (Mollie), Mom, ball and Bye. She has started to point at everything that she wants and does the grunt thing. She had a 6 hour stomach bug a week or so ago. I am so glad that it came and went quickly.

Last weekend, we meet a friend of mine from Oswego (the college I went to from 2000-2001), in Carolina beach along with her family. She recently moved to Charlotte NC with her husband and daughter, who is about 6 months older than Hailey. On a whim, she told me they were going to the beach (Myrtle Beach) and would love for us to meet them there. We planned on going to the aquarium in Manteo or Atlantic Beach that day with Hailey but it worked out perfectly. They were willing to meet us at Carolina Beach so that we could take the kids to the aquarium in Fort Fisher. We camped for the night (in a camper) at a "LOVELY" campground in Carolina beach. Who knew that they didn't have any "normal" campgrounds in Carolina Beach. It was great though because I had not seen her in a long time and it was so nice to let our children meet. We can't wait to get together with them again soon.

Below are some pictures from our trip to Carolina beach and the aquarium.
