Hailey's age

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 12, 2009

9 month check up

Hailey went for her 9 month check up on Friday. She is growing like a weed. She is 24.8 lbs and 29 3/4 inches long.....both in the 95% tile. The doctor is happy with her progress. She went from the 83% tile in height to 95%.

Hailey is making so many strides. She is crawling EVERYWHERE and pulling up on EVERYTHING. She loves to hold mommy's hands and walk all over the place. She is so independent. I wonder where she gets that from. LOL

She has battled the ear infection and is all ears now. =) She is also getting teeth number 7 and 8....yes 7 & 8. It is amazing how fast her teeth are coming in.

She is completely on "people food" now. She is such a good eater and loves to try new things. On Sunday, she started to feed herself but only about 3 bots all day. Yay!!

She is still going to bed at 6:30pm and getting up at 5:30am. We have a sleeper on our hands!!!!

Pictures to come......
