Hailey's age

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 18, 2008

37 weeks and 5 days

Well today I had my weekly check up, I am 37 weeks and 5 days. They listened to her heart beat and everything looked great. Dr. Avery checked and said that I was maybe 1 cm. At this point, I just hope that I don't go late. For the most part, I am feeling good. I can say that I am not sleeping at all. Paul, Mollie and I start in the bed and once I start to get up every hour or more, Mollie and I go lay on the couch....I think we need a bigger couch.

Her room is finished for the most part, we just have a few more things to hang on the wall. I have taken the pictures of her room, so I will post them to the blog this weekend.
