Hailey's age

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lots of new things going on at the Mickey's

Well, we are officially moved into the house. Thanks to great family and friends we have moved all of our belongings. We still have lots of boxes floating around the house and have no kitchen, because we are ripping out the kitchen this week and our new kitchen will be put in over the next two to three weeks.

So I now have some time to blog. Well Hailey has been growing and growing. She is clapping like crazy. It is so cute. She is scooting around and the house and should be crawling anytime now. She gets up on her knees and then falls on her stomach. I am just glad that we are in the new house so that she can have lots of room to move around. She now has 6 teeth, or lets say that 3 -6 are still coming in. She has been tugging on her ears like "normal" the last few weeks and when I say normal I mean like she did when her other teeth were coming in. Well the last few days she has been tugging but I noticed that my little girl was not her normal happy self. She was very fussy....I thought it was because Aunt Jamie came for a visit (just kidding Jamie - we had a wonderful visit). So I sent her to "school" (I hate calling it daycare) today but called the pediatrician first thing to see if they could fit her in. They told me that they could work her in at 1:45, so I picked her up early and off we went to the doctor. We saw the new pediatrician at the office and she was great. Hailey was happy as can be....I was thinking that these nurses and doctor were going to think that I was crazy. Where was the unhappy fussy baby that caused me to think that I should bring her in? Well, they weighed her and she was 23.8 lbs and then we waited to see the doctor. Well the doctor came in and checked Hailey out and informed me that she had an ear infection in her right ear. I felt so bad that she was sick but glad to know that I knew my little girl was sick and that something was wrong that was making her so fussy. So they gave me amoxicillin, which she has to take twice a day for 10 days. Hopefully, the medicine will knock this out of her.

I have been slack on taking pictures the last 2 weeks because we have been working on the house but here are a few......and know that I will be back on my toes with tons of pictures.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Please be patient

I know that I have not posted lately but we are/have been working hard on the new house. We are suppose to close this morning but have had the opportunity to paint, etc for the last 2 weeks. The ENTIRE house had to be painted so it has been a big task.

So, once we move I will post.......stay tuned for all the progress Hailey is making.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Making the blog private

Well I have been contemplating making my blog private for a long time. Then I read the following article yesterday:

A Massachusetts mother warned people about the dangers of the Internet after finding her own child for sale through a link on the website Craigslist.org. The family was unknowingly thrust into an international adoption scam. Jenni Brennan said that her family has blog on which she shares photos and anecdotes of their children. Only, someone took one of those photos and used it in an adoption scam based out of Cameroon. "No, he definitely not available," Brennan said. "Never posted it anywhere, never advertised it anywhere -- it's just sort of out there," Brennan said of the blog. "Never felt the need to make it private, because we weren't sharing identifying information about ourselves. It was just photos and blurbs about our day." The family found out about the scam using Baby Jacob's photo through an anonymous e-mail. After replying to gain more information about the e-mail, the Craigslist posting was shared. Jenny e-mailed the address listed on Craigslist and received the scam with her son's photo. She said when you hover over the photo, their blog site pops up. "I really felt angry, felt violated for him. And really felt, as his mother, we should be protecting him," Brennan said. Brennan said that the most obvious step to prevent being victimized by these types of scams is to make a blog private.

So, I have decided that I am making my blog private for sure. if you're interested in becoming a follower, please email me at melissa_mickey@suddenlink.net or leave a comment with your email address. (The only thing that will be different is you'll have to sign in and use your password to have access). Please keeping on reading....I love posting all about Hailey.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Some new things

Well I a little late posting on the blog because we are getting ready for the big move, which will take place on the 21st. It has been tough going from home owners to renting an apartment/condo and living out of boxes for 5 months but it won't be long before we are back into a home. We have access to the house for the next 3 weeks to paint, mow the grass etc. before we move our stuff in.

So Hailey has been doing absolutely wonderful, as always. She has cut her top teeth. She had a hard time with the top teeth but they have broke the skin, so that is good. She is sitting up all by herself. What a big girl....what happen to my baby!!! I don't think it will be long before she is crawling. I am crossing my fingers that she doesn't start before we get into the new house because there is no room in the apartment.
