So I went to the bathroom and took the test....waiting as the bars showed one (not pregnant) or two (pregnant). With in a few seconds, it showed two lines. I could not believe it, my heart started racing. Paul was working in the garage and with disbelief I opened the door and said,"I'm pregnant". I know that was a really sweet and cute way to tell him. LOL I don't think he really believed that home pregnancy tests were 100% accurate. I had to tell him that when they said pregnant they meant pregnant. I guess I wanted to take another test to make sure before we called the doctor. So, instead of studying for my exam we went to the drugstore and purchased another pack of home pregnancy tests. I went home and took another one, it showed two lines (pregnant). We were excited, scared, nervous and probably every other emotion that you could think of. Still in disbelief, I knew I had to study and get some sleep before my exam.
I got up the next morning and decided to take a third pregnancy test before I called the showed two lines too (pregnant). I woke up and called the doctor. I told the nurse that I had found out that I was pregnant and that I was wondering if I could see the doctor in the next day or so. The receptionist took down my name and said that she would have the nurse call me back. A few minutes later my phone rang, the nurse stated, "The receptionist said you wanted to see the doctor today. Is everything ok?" I responded, "Yes, I just found out that I was pregnant." The nurse then responded, "We like to wait until you are atleast 6 weeks. I will have the receptionist call you back to make an appt." Did I feel dumb!!!! So, the receptionist called, asked when my last period was and then made my appt for Tuesday, May 13th. I then went to take my economics final exam. If you only imagine, my mind was in a whole other place. I think that I finished my final in record time, 20 minutes.