Hailey's age

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 30, 2009

FIRST tooth

Well today was a big day. We noticed Hailey is cutting her first tooth. She was fussy this afternoon, which is not like her unless it is time to eat or sleep (and it was neither). Paul asked if she was getting a tooth so I felt around in her mouth and noticed that she had a tooth coming in on the bottom front. So we gave her some teething gel, some baby Tylenol, and a teething ring to suck on and she was good to go. I will try to snap some pictures soon.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Couple of Things

Well, Hailey is doing wonderful. She is getting so big. Paul and I have wondered how much she has grown in length because she looks so long....so we decided to pull out the tape measure to see. She was stretched out sleeping in her crib the other night and we measured her, she was 26 1/2 inches long. Whewww!!

She has her 4 month check up on Monday, May 4th. The appt will consist of another round of shots, weighing and her check up. Stay tuned for that post.

Yesterday was 90 degrees, so we went on our friends boat. It was Hailey's first boat trip. The life jacket that they make for infants is kind of ridiculous. The life jacket is all pushed up in her neck but she has to have it on the whole time she is on the boat. To make it a little more comfortable, we unziped the jacket. She loved the ride....she sleep for alot of it. I think that the noise was so soothing for her. Below is a picture.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

3 month pictures

Hailey went for her 3 month pictures (and her first family picture) on Friday. I really can't believe that my baby is 3 months old already. Here are some of the pictures that were taken. They are too cute. She did a really great job when the women was taking the pictures. When we sat down to speak to the women and what pictures we wanted, Hailey got very upset and started crying. I have to say that the studio was probably 110 degrees, so I don't think that helped. Once we left and got her into a cooler place, she was much better.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Yellow Poka Dot Binki

So Hailey is officially ready for summer. Stef bought her a yellow poka dot bikini and she looks so cute.
