Hailey's age

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well it has been a while since I have posted. Things have been very busy.
We made our annual trip to Georgia for Thanksgiving and Hailey did wonderful. The trip took about 8 hours on the way down, she slept for about an hour and was an angel the rest of the time. I was really worried about how she was going to act after being strapped into her car seat for such a long period of time but it was a great trip. The trip back took a little longer because we stopped to see Paul's grandma who is 93 and had not met Hailey yet and then we had to drop off his 83 year old aunt. Hailey did well most of the trip except the last hour or so, she was tired of being in her seat and was ready for bed.

While we were in Georgia we went to go see my aunt and uncle, who also had not met Hailey. Below is a picture of my Uncle Steven and Hailey. We had a very short but great visit.

Below are some pictures of her first Thanksgiving meal

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quick update

Well I know I have been very slack....I haven't updated in almost 2 weeks. Things have been so busy at home and at work, hopefully they will slow down but I doubt it.

Just wanted to let everyone know that Hailey is now letting go of when she is standing up. She wobbles for a minutes and then falls down. She is well on her way to walking.

She is also getting her first molar. That makes 9 teeth. I really can't believe my 10 1/2 month old has 9 teeth......it's crazy.

I will probably not have another opportunity to post until after Thanksgiving but I will try.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Hailey is so young and doesn't even know what Halloween is, but we wanted her to enjoy her 1st Halloween. We got her dressed in her costume and put her in her red wagon and walked around the neighorhood with the kids next door and across the street. She had a blast.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Picking

Last Sunday, we went Pumpkin Picking at our local farm. I use the words Pumpkin Picking loosely because we actually left with out one single pumpkin....yes I said we went to a pumpkin field and didn't leave with a pumpkin. I believe that it was the coldest day this season, I think the car said 47 degrees before we got out of the car. So we met some friends and family at the field, took some pictures, saw the animals and went on a hay ride. By the time we did all of that, I was FROZEN. Hailey was a little more bundled then I was, she had a hat, mittens and a jacket on. So, I decided that I would get pumpkins at the grocery store where it was warm. Below are a few pictures from our wonderful day....

Hailey all bundled up

the cousins

So serious

Not so serious

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Some pictures of Hailey from October

Hailey hanging out in her infant seat, drinking her juice and watching tv. Note: We actually brought this back out for our friends 4 week old to lay in and the next day, she was in it.

Being a trooper....tailgating for the ECU game. It was a little cold.

Feeding herself for the 1st time

Hailey with her friend Sydney (who is a month old than she is)

Pictures of the Kitchen remodel

Below are some pictures from the kitchen remodel. The kitchen is done with the exception of a few things......but for the most part the remodel is complete.

Monday, October 12, 2009

9 month check up

Hailey went for her 9 month check up on Friday. She is growing like a weed. She is 24.8 lbs and 29 3/4 inches long.....both in the 95% tile. The doctor is happy with her progress. She went from the 83% tile in height to 95%.

Hailey is making so many strides. She is crawling EVERYWHERE and pulling up on EVERYTHING. She loves to hold mommy's hands and walk all over the place. She is so independent. I wonder where she gets that from. LOL

She has battled the ear infection and is all ears now. =) She is also getting teeth number 7 and 8....yes 7 & 8. It is amazing how fast her teeth are coming in.

She is completely on "people food" now. She is such a good eater and loves to try new things. On Sunday, she started to feed herself but only about 3 bots all day. Yay!!

She is still going to bed at 6:30pm and getting up at 5:30am. We have a sleeper on our hands!!!!

Pictures to come......

Sunday, September 27, 2009

All about Hailey

Well Hailey is fully on the move now, she is crawling all over the place. She is also now pulling up on EVERYTHING. She loves to holds Mommy's hands and walk around. I don't believe that it will be very long before she is walking all over the place.

She has been battling an ear infection for almost 4 weeks now. She was on the "bubble gum" medicine, which didn't work. Then she was on Augmentin, which killed her stomach and didn't work. This past week she had to get 3 shots, one Thursday, one Friday and then the last one Saturday. This is suppose to clear up the ear infection.......cross your fingers that it does.

So Hailey has made lots of friends in the new neighborhood. There are two little boys that live beside us and a 2 year old little girl and then a little boy across the street as well as another little 2 year old little girl. Today, the girls took turn ridding in the wagon with Hailey. It was so cute. Here are a couple of pictures.

Friday, September 18, 2009

House progess

So we have been working like crazy on the house trying to get it the way we would like it. I found out with our previous home that no matter how long you lived somewhere, you can always find projects to do. We are just trying to tackle one thing off our list at a time. Our big project right now is the kitchen. We ripped out the existing kitchen and are putting up a new one. To-date, our cabinets are in, our appliances are here and our counter tops and sink will be put in on Wednesday. Here are a few pictures of the progress:



Old cabinets with the new stove temporarily in before demolition

Cabinets in but no counter tops or paint on walls

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Playing catch up

So you may want to sit down because I am going to play catch up on all the things that Hailey has been up to.

Last Tuesday, September 1st I took Hailey to the park for the first time. My friend, Amber let me know that she and her girls were going to the park that Tuesday afternoon, if I wanted to bring Hailey. I was decided that it was a beautiful day, so I walked up to the park after work with Hailey. My friend, Shelley was also there with her two kids. It was great to enjoy that afternoon with great friends and watch the kids have a wonderful time at the park.

This past Saturday, September 5th was Hailey's first football tailgating experience. We loaded up the car with all of the tailgating "stuff" and headed to the field about 8. We tailgated from 8-12 then off to the game. Hailey tailgated and did wonderful. She did not attend the game because it was way to hot outside. A side note: she did not drink the beer below that she is holding. The can was empty.

My parents came down to visit Hailey this past weekend. We all had a very nice visit. Although we put them to work on the house while they were here, Hailey got to enjoy time with Grandma and Grandpa. I didn't get a good picture of grandma and granpa with Hailey but got a nice shot of grandma with Hailey.

Yesterday, September 8th, Hailey was 8 months old. Where has the time gone?? I know I say that alot in my posts but I feel like Iblink and my baby gets bigger and bigger. She is doing the following things:

  • claps up a storm

  • eats big "girl" food i.e. chicken & mashed potatoes once a day

  • sits up by herself

  • "scoots" all over the place

  • isn't fully crawling but has taken up to 6 "crawls" (one knee, two knee, etc)

  • is pulling up and standing in her crib (although she is not pulling up anywhere else)

Lastly, I have to say that she cracks us up when she sleeps because she sleeps on her knees. I just had to take a picture of it tonight, since I knew that I was going to update the blog. I don't think that anyone would believe us unless they saw the picture.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our little worker

As most of you know, we (the whole family) were working really hard the few weeks before we closed on the house. Here are a few pictures of our little helper.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lots of new things going on at the Mickey's

Well, we are officially moved into the house. Thanks to great family and friends we have moved all of our belongings. We still have lots of boxes floating around the house and have no kitchen, because we are ripping out the kitchen this week and our new kitchen will be put in over the next two to three weeks.

So I now have some time to blog. Well Hailey has been growing and growing. She is clapping like crazy. It is so cute. She is scooting around and the house and should be crawling anytime now. She gets up on her knees and then falls on her stomach. I am just glad that we are in the new house so that she can have lots of room to move around. She now has 6 teeth, or lets say that 3 -6 are still coming in. She has been tugging on her ears like "normal" the last few weeks and when I say normal I mean like she did when her other teeth were coming in. Well the last few days she has been tugging but I noticed that my little girl was not her normal happy self. She was very fussy....I thought it was because Aunt Jamie came for a visit (just kidding Jamie - we had a wonderful visit). So I sent her to "school" (I hate calling it daycare) today but called the pediatrician first thing to see if they could fit her in. They told me that they could work her in at 1:45, so I picked her up early and off we went to the doctor. We saw the new pediatrician at the office and she was great. Hailey was happy as can be....I was thinking that these nurses and doctor were going to think that I was crazy. Where was the unhappy fussy baby that caused me to think that I should bring her in? Well, they weighed her and she was 23.8 lbs and then we waited to see the doctor. Well the doctor came in and checked Hailey out and informed me that she had an ear infection in her right ear. I felt so bad that she was sick but glad to know that I knew my little girl was sick and that something was wrong that was making her so fussy. So they gave me amoxicillin, which she has to take twice a day for 10 days. Hopefully, the medicine will knock this out of her.

I have been slack on taking pictures the last 2 weeks because we have been working on the house but here are a few......and know that I will be back on my toes with tons of pictures.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Please be patient

I know that I have not posted lately but we are/have been working hard on the new house. We are suppose to close this morning but have had the opportunity to paint, etc for the last 2 weeks. The ENTIRE house had to be painted so it has been a big task.

So, once we move I will post.......stay tuned for all the progress Hailey is making.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Making the blog private

Well I have been contemplating making my blog private for a long time. Then I read the following article yesterday:

A Massachusetts mother warned people about the dangers of the Internet after finding her own child for sale through a link on the website Craigslist.org. The family was unknowingly thrust into an international adoption scam. Jenni Brennan said that her family has blog on which she shares photos and anecdotes of their children. Only, someone took one of those photos and used it in an adoption scam based out of Cameroon. "No, he definitely not available," Brennan said. "Never posted it anywhere, never advertised it anywhere -- it's just sort of out there," Brennan said of the blog. "Never felt the need to make it private, because we weren't sharing identifying information about ourselves. It was just photos and blurbs about our day." The family found out about the scam using Baby Jacob's photo through an anonymous e-mail. After replying to gain more information about the e-mail, the Craigslist posting was shared. Jenny e-mailed the address listed on Craigslist and received the scam with her son's photo. She said when you hover over the photo, their blog site pops up. "I really felt angry, felt violated for him. And really felt, as his mother, we should be protecting him," Brennan said. Brennan said that the most obvious step to prevent being victimized by these types of scams is to make a blog private.

So, I have decided that I am making my blog private for sure. if you're interested in becoming a follower, please email me at melissa_mickey@suddenlink.net or leave a comment with your email address. (The only thing that will be different is you'll have to sign in and use your password to have access). Please keeping on reading....I love posting all about Hailey.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Some new things

Well I a little late posting on the blog because we are getting ready for the big move, which will take place on the 21st. It has been tough going from home owners to renting an apartment/condo and living out of boxes for 5 months but it won't be long before we are back into a home. We have access to the house for the next 3 weeks to paint, mow the grass etc. before we move our stuff in.

So Hailey has been doing absolutely wonderful, as always. She has cut her top teeth. She had a hard time with the top teeth but they have broke the skin, so that is good. She is sitting up all by herself. What a big girl....what happen to my baby!!! I don't think it will be long before she is crawling. I am crossing my fingers that she doesn't start before we get into the new house because there is no room in the apartment.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Visit from Aunt Jamie

Last Wednesday, Aunt Jamie came for a visit. She was until from Wednesday night until Monday night. She got alot of "Hailey time" in while she was here. She kept Hailey home from daycare on Thursday, Friday and Monday and spent lots of time with her. Jamie did a great job with Hailey, especially because Hailey has been sick (teething, cold and cough) and a little fussy. For some odd reason, I did not take any pictures of them while she was here. Below is a picture (small and not that great of quality) that my sister took with her cell phone.

6 month check up

I know, I know....I am very late posting. I have been very busy working on my friends baby shower, which was this past Saturday. Also, for those of you who don't know, we made an offer on a short sale (A short sale is a sale of real estate in which the proceeds from the sale fall short of the balance owed on a loan secured by the property sold.) 20 weeks ago. We sold and moved our of our house about 7 weeks ago.....so we have been living out of boxes, literally. We FINALLY heard tonight that we got the house. YAY!!!

So, Hailey went for her 6 month check up on July 9th, 2009. She weighed 21 lbs 6 ounces and was 27 1/2 inches long. Dr. Phillips checked her out and said that everything was great. She received a few shots while she was there. She was a real trooper. She gets a break, she will not receive another round of shots until her 12 month check up.

So I didn't catch this on video but it was really cute. Our dog, Mollie loves Hailey so much. She is always checking other people out when they come over to make sure that Hailey is safe. If you could only picture this:
Mollie was walking around Hailey, the other day and Mollie sneezed. Hailey started laughing...she thought that it was the funniest thing.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hailey's first beach trip and many other things

You may want to sit down for this one.....

We took Hailey to the beach this past week for a few days and she had a blast. She is a little beach bum. She is so hot natured, so I guess it is natural that she likes the water. She loves any type of water....the bath, the pool, the sound etc. I had a hard time picking one picture so here are a few.

We took Hailey to Pine Knoll Shore Aquarium, while we were at the beach. Obviously, she is way too young to take much in but it was a fun experience. Here are a few pictures:

While at the beach, we starting feeding Hailey baby food. We started her with bananas and green beans. She did a good job and didn't make too many crazy faces. She has since tried squash and peaches.
Hailey will be 6 months on Thursday (where has the time went). She has her 6 month check-up on Wednesday so stay tuned.....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

This past weekend was Paul's first Father's Day! I really hope that he had a great day. Hailey bought him some new crocs...yes Paul wears crocs. Hailey is so fortunate to have an amazing dad. He loves her more than anything in life.

We were at Paul's mom and dads this past weekend for the Annual Father's Day Gathering. We got some cute shots Makenna and Hailey.

We had such a busy day Sunday celebrating Father's Day. Hailey was sitting outside with me and I noticed that she was rubbing her eyes, so I knew that it was about 6:30 (bedtime is between 6:30 & 7:30). Well a few minutes later, I looked and she had her arm on mine and her head on her hand.

A cute shot of Hailey after she got out of the bath. The only time that you will she her hair standing up.
Hailey is now a little over 5 1/2 months old. How time has flown. Hailey has been teething again. She already has her bottom 2 teeth.
